After Google, YouTube is the second most popular search engine. Its own set of SEO best practises exists. YouTube SEO plays a crucial role in your marketing operations, from increasing brand recognition to increasing credibility. It takes more than just picking a few keywords to optimise a video for YouTube. Today, we'll look at some of the hand-picked tactics that digital marketing companiesin Kolkata use to get a video to rank highly on YouTube. Let's get started.

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How to Get a High Rank for YouTube Videos

Keywords for Videos That Work

In video marketing, keyword research is crucial. Every video should be focused on a single target keyword or phrase, with every aspect of the video optimised around that phrase. The title, description, tags, and actual video material are all part of this content. Many YouTube keywords begin with “how to,” as you may have observed. This is because when people search for a tutorial video using the term "how to," keyword-optimized videos have a better chance of ranking high.

Impressive Thumbnails for Videos

What happens if you don't keep track of your thumbnails? When your movie is indexed, the video thumbnail is the image that the searcher sees. As a result, it's critical that visitors find it interesting and click on it. Now, if you don't pay attention to those visuals, YouTube will portray an image from the video for you, and there's a good chance it'll be an unappealing frame.

Optimise the Title

With the addition of your focus keyword, optimising your video title is similar to optimising your headlines for textual material. As previously stated, you should undertake extensive keyword research to ensure that you are targeting phrases that viewers are actively searching for, as well as creating an outstanding and compelling movie title.

Video Content-Specific Description

Insert your focus keyword effectively in your video descriptions without appearing forced. Make them as brief and to-the-point as possible. Make sure not to overuse keywords or include unrelated information in your description, as this may irritate users, says an experienced professional responsible for providing digitalmarketing services in Kolkata.

Engagement Report for Your Videos

Your video's ranking on YouTube is heavily influenced by how users interact with it. This refers to how many likes, comments, shares, and subscriptions you have. YouTube delivers regular engagement reports to assist you better understand your overall success. To optimise your YouTube SEO efforts and get your video to rank quickly, keep an eye on these metrics.


We hope that by following the guidelines above, you will be able to optimise your videos and enhance your YouTube ranking. If you don't want to devote this much time and effort to it, you can hire a digital marketing agency in Kolkata to help you out completely.