For business owners, the most profitable catchphrase is website conversion. The conversion ratio motivates you for all of the reasons behind your web-based business. That is the yardstick by which all internet endeavours are judged. In fact, there is a lot of research on website conversion tactics - most effective websites have a conversion rate of only 2%, and average sites have a conversion rate of only 0.1 percent to 0.2 percent. Being a reputable website designing company in Kolkata, India, we have examined hundreds of website designs and compiled the design variables that influence conversion rates.

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Tips to increase your website’s conversion rate

As a website owner, you must plan your digital marketing strategy to achieve maximum conversion. Let's have a look at a large list of things to do.

Adding pop-ups to the site

According to internet research, pop-ups increase conversion by around 2.8 percent to 3 percent. Furthermore, if you employ pop-ups appropriately, you can increase the conversion rate by up to 10%. To do so, you must follow precise tactics in order to achieve better results.

Remove unnecessary forms

People are afraid to complete out forms. So, when you're planning to put a lead generation form on your website, consider the sections. It has been proven that by deleting one field from the form, the fill-up percentage increased by 10%. Remove the fields from the form that aren't needed, and you'll be rewarded for your efforts.

Increasing the number of testimonials

Testimonials provide users with a sense of trustworthiness. You should include previous customer gratitude. It will boost your brand's trust and, eventually, conversions.

Distracting attention away from the call to action

If the conversion is your ultimate goal, your landing page should be straightforward, concise, and simple to browse. Remove any distractions and increase the call to action's visibility. On the website, you can use a third-party heat map to see where visitors are clicking the most, says an executive of the top website design company in Kolkata, India.

User-friendly interface

The most desired quality for a website is a user-friendly interface. In many circumstances, the visitor must first complete a form before being able to view the information. When someone visits your website, and you ask for their contact information as a lead, it appears that providing all of the information is rather annoying for the visitors. To increase the duration of the visitor's engagement, your website's welcome gate should be less unpleasant and easy to navigate.

Improve the CTA

The most important and frequently overlooked action point for website owners is the call to action. While you are confident in the information delivery on your website, you overlook the visitors' call to action. The success rate of conversions from your online platform is determined by the location, design, and language of the call to action.

Improve interaction by incorporating live chat

Your visitors may become agitated if they have significant questions regarding your product or service. It is a critical decision-making touchpoint for your customer. As a result, live chat is the only option to have a human conversation with visitors and convert them into a viable lead.


Optimise your conversion funnel with these effective strategies from one of the best webdesign agencies in Kolkata, India to increase your website’s conversion rates.