
Here is a question. Would you rather spend your time looking at the buffering logo on your screen or visit a website that produces quick results? You prefer the one which loads faster and so does your prospects and Google.

Want to know how you can make your website top the race? Image optimization. According to a web design agency in Kolkata, image optimization means producing high-quality pictures for your website without compromising your loading speed. 

web design firm

Benefits of Image Optimization

Here are some benefits of image optimization, listed by a web design and development company in Kolkata

Loading Speed 

Web images are undoubtedly crucial for connecting your users to your products and services. The beautiful visual stimulus helps viewers empathize with your brand message. However, in the quest for quality images, companies often forget the importance of speed. Image optimization helps you feature those beautiful visuals without extending loading speed. Thus, improving user experience and chances of conversion.

SEO Ranking 

Google shows what audiences like, and your audience wants good-quality images. According to Google, more than 1 billion queries are made in Google Images every day. Thus, if your well-optimized images and quick loading speed hold your viewers' attention, your website will be well on its way to the first results page.

Web Storage Gain 

The web storage refers to the amount of space on a web server that a web hosting company allocates to you. This space is limited and can run out if you do not plan and manage your content properly. Therefore, optimizing and compressing your images will reduce your expenditure on purchasing extra storage. You will also be able to upload more content on your website, says a web design firm.


Now you know why image optimization should be one of your priorities to better user experience and increase your SEO ranking and conversion possibilities.