Generating quality and engaging video content consistently is critical in the video era. However, no marketer can regularly come up with new video content ideas. And there's no need to keep looking for new things and reinventing the wheel every time.

Video marketing company in Kolkata

You need to start implementing an intelligent and efficient video-based content repurposing strategy. Don't know where to start? 


Here are some ways we, a video marketing company in Kolkata, repurpose our existing content to create engaging videos.


Convert a long-form video into two-minute clips


Interviews and Facebook Lives, as well as webinars and speaking engagements, are examples of long-form videos. These long-form video content can be cut up into 2-minute clips and repurposed for different social media channels.


Convert long-form audio into two-minute clips


Podcasts and audiobooks can be converted into videos to increase distribution impact. You can increase their online visibility by converting your audio files into audiograms, says the video marketer of our digital marketing agency in Kolkata


An audiogram is an audio wave animation that converts your audio into a video format so that you can promote it further through various social networks. You can also use captions and an appealing headline to draw attention to your audiogram. 


In fact, audiograms are many times more potent than static images, so don't pass up the opportunity to increase the visibility of your audio content.


Convert long-form text into two-minute clips


The most important technique, without a doubt, is to concentrate on making the most of long-form text content. After all, you've spent a lot of time and money developing blog posts and guides, e-Books (and paper books), white papers, customer testimonials, etc.


So, it's a good idea to make as many assets as possible from the long piece to promote it.


Here are some tailored approaches that we at our digital marketing agency in Kolkata take for creating videos for each long-form content-type:


Blog posts and guides: People and businesses typically share their blog posts on their social channels once. However, what happens on Facebook is the platform does not want you to remove people from its network; instead, it wants people to stay. As a result, simply posting a link to your blog will limit your reach. 


Therefore, we devise workarounds to promote our clients' written content in video format. For example, we create micro-assets such as short videos that capture about 100 words from the entire text and then add a call-to-action for visiting our blog.


Paper books and e-books: To attract more sales or downloads, choose the brightest section and tease future readers.


Stats: instead of making a quote card, you can go stat-heavy on the video, as video is more likely to increase engagement, reach, and clicks.


Testimonials: Even written testimonials can be transformed into 2-minute videos. You can use the person's photo or the company's logo that loves your product, add stock video, and turn it into an easy-to-digest promotional video.


These techniques will help you make the most of your existing content and consistently present engaging videos, says the lead video marketer of our video marketing agency in Kolkata.