How to optimize a website footer

The website footer is probably the most neglected and underrated part of a website. However, according to the best web design company in Kolkata, the website footer also counts towards your SEO and it is important that you optimise the website footer for better SEO, improved ranking, and enhanced user experience.

Located at the bottom section of the homepage, the website footer contains an organisation’s copyright notice, privacy policy, terms and conditions, the brand logo, important contents, navigation links, social media links, and primary contact information.

Here are the SEO footer best practices that most web development company follow.

A Fat Footer? A Big No No :-

Although you’re trying to optimize your footer for search engines, it’s important your don’t stuff it with so much information that it becomes a big block of text that users feel best to ignore. Web design and development companies in Kolkata suggest that for website footers, too much is worse than too little.

An ideal footer must:

  • Contain only important information like contact details, sitemap, and offered services
  • Not be overloaded with links
  • Group the links into categories for better navigation
  • Be neat and clean with crisp text

Blend In your Footer Well

This is a pro tip that most web development companies in Kolkata suggest – website footers must blend in well with the rest of the page. Undeniably, aesthetics matter in the professional world, and your website footer is no exception. No one should scroll down to the end of a webpage to a footer with a shocking different color or that uses an obnoxious font.

Include Quick Links

Instead of cluttering your website footer with links to every page of your website, Digital marketing agency in Kolkata suggest you only add the links of the significant pages that your users tend to visit more, such as your product/service pages, blog, about and so on.

Contact Information

We agree that your website has a separate contact page with all your relevant information. However, web design companies give two prime reasons to include these data in the website footer as well. Firstly, it helps your website rank for relevant searches if the information is included on every page. Secondly, users don’t like to leave the current page they are on to look at your contact information. A readily accessible footer with all relevant information is a huge convenience for your users.

Your Logo Must Not Stand Out

Branding is everything for your website, even at the bottom of a webpage. Don’t forget to include your logo in your footer, but again make sure it doesn’t grab all the focus. Look for a way that it looks obvious but also makes a point for the user.

Now that you can pick the right elements from above, create an outstanding website footer for improved SEO.