Many digital marketers expected 2020 to move in a different direction. Challenges, on the other hand, often present new possibilities and approaches to tactics and campaigns. Many pivots and changes occurred in 2021, as well as the acceleration of multiple developments that were already changing the digital marketing landscape. Let's take a look at some of the mega-trends that are impacting both the B2B and B2C marketing teams in a top digital marketing company in Kolkata.

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1. COVID-19

The global pandemic wreaked havoc on the global economy and had a huge impact on digital marketing. Marketers have seen activities cancelled, teams work from home, while tactics, marketing, and promotions underwent changes. Their emphasis shifted on how they could provide consumers with useful knowledge and solutions during this tough period.

Some of the changes that marketers have implemented will become the new standard. A renewed focus on strengthening customer relationships, as well as loyalty and engagement, will be maintained. More recently, empathy has risen to the forefront of marketing, with advertisers putting themselves in their consumers' shoes and wondering if they can assist, says the digital marketers of a digital marketing agency in Kolkata.

2. Digital Revolution

Virtual activities, videos, and digital media platforms were used to communicate with consumers when in-person events were no longer an option. Many customers were spending much more time online as a result of lockdowns and other restrictions. Forbes reported in March of last year that after the outbreak of the pandemic, internet use had increased by 70% and streaming had increased by more than 12%.

Marketers, understandably, seek out the networks where their customers congregate in order to communicate with them. Customers can be engaged across a variety of channels, including social media, email marketing, smartphone, websites, landing pages, blogs, webinars, and more.

3. Global Connectivity

According to one of the best digital marketing companies in Kolkata, 4.66 billion people are online, accounting for 59 percent of the global population. As per a recent survey, there were 5.1 billion cell phone users in 2020, wherein 2 billion people shopped online, and 3.7 billion people used social media. As the statistics show, users are now more connected than ever before.

As the year 2020 demonstrated, the developments we believe would have an effect on us will shift rapidly. The trick is to stay versatile, adaptable, and agile. A positive outlook will also go a long way toward assisting you in dealing with tough situations.