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If you have a website, chances are you got a web form looking visitors in the eye and asking for their personal information.

Whether your web form is successful or not depends on whether you know and follow these tips from one of the best web development companies in Kolkata.

Do you follow all of it? Let's find out.

Tip No.1 - Highlight Required Fields

Imagine yourself as a user filling up a web form after your hard day's work, and the moment you think you're done and hit the submit button, a text flashes indicating that you've missed a required field. Annoying right?

So, to make the life of your website visitor a little easier, a standard convention is to highlight the required fields using an asterisk (*) beside their label.

Clearly stating that an input field is required or that the field is optional is a safe way to go.

Tip No.2 - Provide Clear and Specific Error Messages

As we have already mentioned, it's annoying to err during web form submission. And, it is manifold more irritating when the error message, instead of highlighting the exact mistake, reads "Fill out the required fields correctly."

Instead of making your error message generic, highlight the specific problem. For instance, if a user fails to provide their email address, your error message should be "You forgot to enter your email address."

According to the website development company in Kolkata, uncertain error messages can be resolved by performing real-time data validation as the user completes the web form.

For instance, the web form should check that the email address input field is filled out correctly. If it isn't, it should notify the user immediately.

Tip No.3 – Provide Visual Cue to Focused Form Fields to Let Users Know Where They Are

Make sure to style input fields visually, so it is clear which field the user is currently on. Use the CSS: focus pseudo-class selector to accomplish this.

Web browsers will take care of this for you by default, but make sure the default color stands out against the layout of your website

At the very least, give the input field a different border colour, says a website design company in Kolkata.

Tip No. 4 - Show Users the Right Input Format

Tell your users what you expect if you want a specific input format from them while they write a phone number or credit card number.

Clearly state any requirements, such as the minimum number of characters or character combinations, that must be included in a password. This lessens ambiguity and speeds up the form-filling process.

Tip No. 5 - Show Progress Clearly

If your web form is long and extends across multiple pages, provide the user with ongoing feedback on their progress to let them know how much longer it will take them to complete.

They'll probably stop sooner than you'd like if they keep clicking "Next" buttons without knowing when they'll finish, says a web design and development company in Kolkata.

Tip No. 6 - Ditch the "Submit" Text

Instead of saying "Submit," your web form submit button should remind the user what they are doing, such as "Sign up now," or, even better, explain the benefits of completing the form.