Many healthcare professionals are adopting digital marketing practices to gain and treat more patients. Are you?

Is your dental practice on board with digital marketing? If not, here are three reasons why you should choose digital marketing, according to a digital marketing agency in Kolkata.

digital marketing company in Kolkata

Brand Recognition

Any marketing campaign, digital or otherwise, aims to increase brand awareness. While both online and traditional marketing effectively raises brand awareness, digital marketing consistently outperforms the competition, owing to society's increasing reliance on technology.

 Here are some stats that prove the importance of digital marketing:

  • Eighty-six per cent of people use Google Maps to locate a business.
  • By 2022, voice search is expected to generate $40 billion in revenue.
  • Before getting out of bed, over 46% of people check their smartphones.
  • Globally, Facebook has a user base of more than 2.38 billion people.
  • Instagram is used daily by over 500 million people, and there are over 1 billion active accounts.


High ROI

As a result of lower advertising costs, online marketing typically has a (significantly) higher return on investment, says a digital marketing agency in Kolkata

It is typically much less expensive to launch a digital marketing campaign and attract new patients to your dental practice than running a newspaper advertisement or sending out direct mail. 


Granular Marketing

One of the reasons that traditional marketing is so expensive is that it puts your ad in front of thousands, if not millions, of people. This may appear to be a winning strategy, but it isn't in many cases. Television, radio, direct mail, and telemarketing serve advertisements to many passive audiences. You could be marketing to thousands of people, but many aren't even thinking about dental services.

However, digital marketing allows you to get more granular with your ads. This means you'll be able to show ads to your target market - people already interested in your services - more efficiently.

For example, Facebook sponsored ads allow you to choose the geographical region, gender, income, and interests of those who will see your ad in their news feeds. As a result, your digital marketing efforts are more targeted and efficient, says the best digital marketing company in Kolkata.