Coming up with new, engaging content can make social media daunting—we know. You always need to post, engage, and post some more to boost your social media presence. You always need to be on your A-game.

You might have tried to venture into social media marketing for your business, but in the middle of the month may be bouncing your head on your table trying to figure out what to post. 


Why We Never Run Out of Social Media Marketing Content Ideas

I work in a social media marketing agency in Kolkata, and I see those creative heads bouncing from time to time. But in the end, we always provide our clients the "aha!" innovative solutions. 

Want to know how?

In this blog, I'll explain why we never run out of stuff for social media content ideas. So, buckle up. Here it goes.


Think Big!

Some weeks, coming with content ideas will be simple: you had a big product announcement, wrote a new blog post, and saw a meme you just had to recreate.

However, on other days you might be staring at a blank space. But, wait before closing the tab and calling it a bad day; think back, think big. You published a blog last week, right?

Well, you can create a graphic that pulls key data from the post or pull out a favorite quote and make a visual. It's a perfect way to rejuvenate your blog and engage your social media followers. 

There are more avenues that you can take to oil your creative mind. Just look at what others are sharing or if there is anything relevant that is trending. 

Share your thoughts if a news story that will impact your industry breaks. 

Introspection is another option. Here at our digital marketing agency in Kolkata, we look at our best-performing posts to see what topics our followers are interested in. Then we use the various features of each platform to test out new content on those themes. 

You can experiment with carousels in Instagram's feed or with the engagement tools in Stories. Go live on Facebook or write an article for LinkedIn. 

You might discover that your audience responds better to a different post type. 

So, try something new.


Create Backlog

At our social media marketing agency in Kolkata, we make a running list of things we like and want to test as we continue to brainstorm content ideas. 

These aren't items that need to be addressed right away. Instead, they serve as inspiration the next time we find ourselves at a loss for what to post. You can do it too.

Create a saved folder on Instagram of things you've seen other brands do, screenshot engaging Facebook posts you like, or pull LinkedIn links you'd like to emulate. 

These will serve as excellent thought boosters and reminders of how to push yourself the next time you need to post something.

Creating content can feel like a mammoth task not only for small businesses but also for the biggest influencers.

They have to be more engaging, come up with more original ideas and be more creative with their posts, which is why they also get stuck in the creative process.

But what makes them stand out from the others is that when they get stuck, they come up with something new and exciting.

So, when your creativity seems to be at a loss, turn it into a learning experience and try to come up with something new and different to share. You could be onto something.

You know, sometimes, it's good to bounce your head. It motivates you to come up with something you never thought you could create.