SEO Company Lists Top 5 Common On-Page SEO Mistakes

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In today's world, a website is one of the essential means for communicating with your customers and prospects.

Brands that do not have a well-designed and well-functioning website that anyone can access from anywhere to find a solution to their specific problems or queries are no brand at all. 

So, if you have a website up and working, kudos!

However, is your website's On-page SEO optimized? (On-page SEO is the process of optimizing elements on a website to improve its search engine rankings and attract more relevant traffic.)

Find out in this post as an SEO company in Kolkata, India, lists the top five common On-Page SEO mistakes that have the potential to ruin your website.

Keyword Stuffing


Keyword stuffing is the practice of overusing keywords in the content. For instance, using 20 keywords in a 200-word article.


Stuffing is a primitive SEO practice that people still try to reap benefits from. 

But given the current state of search engine algorithms, it is the perfect recipe to see your site topple down the rankings, says one of the best SEO agencies in Kolkata, India.


The key to making your keyword usage beneficial is to balance using too few and too many keywords in your content.




Internal and external linking directly or indirectly affects the on-page SEO. If you don't start linking properly, that's one of the most lethal on-page SEO mistakes you may make!

Internal linking connects your website's content and allows visitors to easily find relevant content and keep them engaged. 

External links, on the other hand, links to other appropriate resources outside your website that your visitors may not get on your site.


According to a digital marketing company in Kolkata, India, an external link is more valuable if it links to popular and relevant pages that are highly ranked and related to the content on your web page.


Poor Quality Content


Content is an essential part of SEO and one of the most crucial ranking factors. 

Therefore, focus on creating relevant content that answers your prospects' queries and makes it easy for search engines to go through, index, and rank your content appropriately.


Neglecting Low Volume Keywords

Keywords with high search volume are highly competitive; therefore, demands much time and attention from SEO practitioners. 

Therefore, if you are a company with not much authority online, it is best to start small and gradually make your way to the top. 

Low-volume keywords often provide you with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to target topics that are highly relevant to your audience — topics that your competitors are unlikely to target. 

Even large companies focus on low volume keywords target their content at highly specified queries.

Thus, low-volume keywords can help you build interest among a niche audience that is small or new and highly likely to convert, says the SEO company in Kolkata, India.


Slow Loading Time


Google favors sites that offer a positive user experience, and one of the most critical factors that can make or break your user experience is loading speed.

Therefore, focusing on making your site's loading speed as fast as possible is the best way to make a good impression among users and rank higher