The SEO industry is being fuelled with some hard-smack changes as AI slowly keeps on dominating the industry. Any SEO agency in Kolkata nowadays uses AI-powered applications and tools increasingly more so than it has done even a few years earlier. In this article, we will review, overview, assess and outline the contours of this surging AI revolution in the SEO industry. 

How AI has been transforming the SEO industry 

The SEO industry is undergoing a lot of crest and troughs under the AI sway. Let's review this upheaval one by one:

Keyword research on the next level

Human eyes miss a great deal of details, as fickle as they are. But AIs? Never in a lifetime. These natural language-powered tools excel at identifying patterns, fishing users' queries, and, moreover, isolating important keywords from a website. 

These tools, therefore, help SEO professionals to pinpoint high-value keywords and phrases that they would have missed otherwise. 

They can also help track and analyze user behavior and search queries as well. But, don't get the idea that SEO specialists have henceforth become obsolete. Not at all; you will still need them to ideate, plan, strategize and make adjustments, i.e., things that an AI can’t do. 

Automated content creation

Though AI-aided content creation has a magnificent advantage for businesses leveraging the tools of content marketing, this is only a half-truth. 

Google Search’s most recent broad core update has also clearly delineated some guidance on AI-generated content. And the fundamental tenet of it is to meet the same quality guideline as established for human writers.

Google's ranking system rewards high-quality content while pushing subpar content into the realms of obscurities. Hence, using automation to manipulate the search ranking will be considered by Google no less than an offense.

If you are looking to create content that ranks high on the search engine, you should instead hire an SEO company in Kolkata and have them craft masterful content in your stead. 

Blindly trusting automation to yield good content could be detrimental to your overall search engine ranking. In a nutshell, the touch of human intelligence is a must to meet Google’s quality guidelines. 

Personalized search results

One of the novelty of natural-language-powered AIs is that they can spot highly personalized patterns. And this is how they are changing the way contemporary search engines look. 

Have you wondered why customers nowadays get personalized results more often than before? The secret sauce behind it is none other than the AIs. Businesses are also unleashing AI assistants to analyze their website content and spot areas where companies can improve, rectify and enhance. 

Likewise, AI chatbots are also increasingly excelling at responding to consumer-generated search queries. The lesson is that these AI tools excel at creating highly contextualized and personalized results when trained on your own specific sets of data. 

So, AI is here to stay. But that does not imply that their application should be brazen. An SEO agency in Kolkata utilizes the power of AI deliberately and selectively so that the positive sides are leveraged and the negative avoided.